Blogging vs. Videos
With the help of a co-worker, I just created my first 2 minute video promoting Catholic Cemeteries. It took me less than 5 minutes to create two possible scripts, less than two minutes to clear papers from my desk, and almost 2 hours to create a reasonably okay video. Of course, neither my co-worker nor I are videographers. AND, we were trying to record with a smart phone. So, one little cough or false move, and we were starting all over.
We did finally get a “passable” video which has been posted on Facebook and Linked-in. The intent: to draw people to explore our new website and promote the cool new technology, “Find a Loved-One”, which includes GPS (global positioning system) on smart phones to walk people to their loved-one’s grave in Calvary and Resurrection Cemeteries.
I hope people find the video beneficial. For me, it provided a new perspective and respect for individuals who make their living in front of the camera.