2017 All Souls Day Interments
During our life following baptism, our body serves as a temple for the Holy Spirit. The church teaches that at our death, proper reverence and respect for the body be observed, which includes burial of the body or interment of cremated remains, preferably in the consecrated grounds of a Catholic cemetery. There the body remains at rest awaiting the final resurrection promised by our Lord, when the body will be perfected and reunited with the soul for eternity.
There are times when a family may have the cremated remains of a loved one at home which they have been unable, for various reasons, to have placed to rest at a Catholic cemetery. Yet, there is a desire to provide a final resting place of dignity and respect where the loved one can be honored by family and friends. Catholic Cemeteries stands ready to help. On Saturday, November 4th, 2017, Catholic Cemeteries will again offer families the opportunity to inter the cremated remains of their loved ones, at no cost, in a community crypt located in the mausoleum within St. Mary Magdalene Cemetery (48th and Q Streets). The committal service will take place at 11:00 a.m. and those bringing cremains are asked to be at the cemetery between 10:30 – 10:50. Those desiring to participate must contact Catholic Cemeteries at (402) 391-3711. Final administrative arrangements must be completed by Monday, October 30th.