Welcome to 2019
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Welcome to 2019

Welcome to 2019

This morning I led the office group in prayer. The gospel reading for today is from John 1: 19-28, when individuals from Jerusalem asked John the Baptist “Who are you, are you the Christ?”  John was very popular, the man to see, and he could have succumbed to ego and grabbed a little glory.  But he did not.  He truly understood his relationship to the Messiah, and his role to which he was called.  How do each of us answer the question “Who are you” as it relates to our relationship with God?  Can we provide a succinct, accurate answer of what we are called to and our relationship with God?  Maybe we haven’t really thought about it.  Maybe we haven’t yet answered what God calls us to?  Instead of a New Year’s resolution, ponder the question “Who are you?” in light of your relationship to God and the mission to which he calls you.  AND THEN, do something about it.  Happy New Year!  Deacon Dan