Past Events from May 30, 2021 - November 1, 2021
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Memorial Day Weekend- Tent Hours

Calvary Cemetery 7710 West Center Road, Omaha, NE, United States

Memorial Weekend we will have tents open for Cemetery Information, such as locations, and for flower sales.

Memorial Day Weekend- Tent hours

Calvary Cemetery 7710 West Center Road, Omaha, NE, United States

Memorial Weekend we will have tents open for Cemetery Information, such as locations, and for flower sales.

Memorial Day Masses

Masses are held at all five of our cemeteries at 10 AM. Our Cemeteries are Calvary, Resurrection, Holy Sepulchre, Saint Mary, Saint Mary Magdalene.

Monthly Memorial Mass

Holy Angels Mausoleum - Resurrection Cemetery 7800 W Center Rd, Omaha, NE, United States

Join us as we remember those buried in May 2021 and June 2020. Rosary starts at 5:00, followed by the reading of the names, then mass will begin at 5:30.

Monthly Memorial Mass

Holy Angels Mausoleum - Resurrection Cemetery 7800 W Center Rd, Omaha, NE, United States

Join us as we remember those buried in June 2021 and July 2020. Rosary starts at 5:00, followed by the reading of the names, then mass will begin at 5:30.

Monthly Memorial Mass

Holy Angels Mausoleum - Resurrection Cemetery 7800 W Center Rd, Omaha, NE, United States

Join us as we remember those buried in July 2021 and August 2020. Rosary starts at 5:00, followed by the reading of the names, then mass will begin at 5:30.

Monthly Memorial Mass

Holy Angels Mausoleum - Resurrection Cemetery 7800 W Center Rd, Omaha, NE, United States

Join us as we remember those buried in August 2021 and September 2020. Rosary starts at 5:00, followed by the reading of the names, then mass will begin at 5:30.

Monthly Memorial Mass

Holy Angels Mausoleum - Resurrection Cemetery 7800 W Center Rd, Omaha, NE, United States

Join us as we remember those buried in September 2021 and October 2020. Rosary starts at 5:00, followed by the reading of the names, then mass will begin at 5:30.

Monthly Memorial Mass

Holy Angels Mausoleum - Resurrection Cemetery 7800 W Center Rd, Omaha, NE, United States

Join us as we remember those buried in October 2021 and November 2020. Rosary starts at 5:00, followed by the reading of the names, then mass will begin at 5:30.