Pre-Planning Your Final Arrangements
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Pre-Planning Your Final Arrangements

Why pre-plan now?

One of the greatest gifts you can give your family is taking the time to pre-plan, providing peace of mind with a clear understanding of your wishes before your death. Our counselors will guide you through the decision process and help alleviate many of your concerns.

What are some of the benefits of pre-planning?

  • It’s easy. It allows you to consider the many options available and to make informed decisions that are meaningful to both you and your family.
  • It reduces stress. You put your wishes in writing; doing so can prevent tension and disagreements among family members who are forced to agree upon what you might have wanted.
  • It saves money. By making decisions today, you are able to lock in today’s prices.

Reverend Mike Grewe
Executive Director

Deacon Steve Hill

In order to better serve you, please answer a few questions below.

One of our counselors will contact you with your customized information.

Where do I start?

If you would like to plan your cemetery arrangements, fill out the form below.

Cemetery Arrangements Form

List names separated by commas.

If you are interested in a Planning Guide to help you organize your information so that at the time of death your loved ones will know your specific wishes, click here.

For general information, see below.

Learn more about our burial options

In-Ground Burial Options

In-ground arrangements involve purchasing:

  1. Burial rights within a grave space
    • Pricing is based on the number and types of burials
    • Pricing is also based on the type of memorial allowed at that location (flat marker, monument, etc)
  2. One-time, non-refundable perpetual care fee for the ongoing upkeep of the cemeteries, mausoleums, etc.
  3. Interment fee for the labor and equipment needed for preparing the committal site, physical interment, overhead costs, etc. Additional fees are incurred for a Saturday committal completed before 2:00 PM.
  4. Burial vault is required for each casket or cremation burial. Casket-sized burial vaults will also require a delivery and setup fee for the lowering device, tent, chairs, etc. Setting a tent for a cremation burial is optional.
  5. Memorials. These can include flat markers, monuments, engravings, bronze castings, plaques/emblems, flower vases, cameo pictures, veteran memorials, etc.

Family Estates

family estate
  • Calvary private family estates allow for flat marker memorialization, $44,000 for 12 in-ground burial rights.
  • Resurrection private family estates, from 4 person estates starting at $17,600 to estates for 12 burial rights at $53,900.
    Resurrection estates allow for upright, unique estate memorialization from statues and benches to above-ground private mausoleums.

For more information, contact one of our counselors.

Traditional Monument Graves

upright marker 2

Available at Resurrection, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Mary, and Holy Sepulchre Cemeteries

  • Graves must be purchased as a companion pair and allows for one monument spanning both graves
  • Price of two casket-sized graves allowing for an upright monument and a single burial in each grave (casket or cremation, monument sold separately): $4,400
  • Cemetery arrangements for two people (each a casket burial) including graves, interment fees, vaults, vault deliveries, upright monument, foundation, perpetual care fees for monument, final date engraving, starting from $16,400. Pricing is subject to change. Final cost is determined by selection

Traditional Flat Marker Graves

Flat Granite Marker

Available at all five Catholic Cemeteries

  • Price of each casket-sized grave which allows for a flat marker fluctuates based upon the number and type of burial(s) (marker sold separately):
    -$1,430 single interment grave (casket or cremation)
    -$2,255 two cremations in one shared casket-sized grave
    -$2,255 one casket and one cremation in one shared casket sized grave
  • Cemetery arrangements for two people (each a casket burial) in separate graves including interment fees, vaults, vault deliveries, flat companion marker, marker installation, and final date engraving, starting from $11,000. Pricing is subject to change. Final cost is determined by selection

Double Interment Graves

Available at all five Catholic Cemeteries

  • Each casket-sized grave can accommodate up to one casket and one cremation burial or up to two cremation burials
  • Cemetery arrangements for two cremation burials in one shared grave, interment fees, vaults, marker, marker installation and final date engraving, starting from $6,300
  • Cemetery arrangements for one casket burial and one cremation burial in one shared grave, interment fees, vaults, vault delivery, marker, marker installation and final date engraving, starting from $8,300.
  • Pricing is subject to change. Final cost is determined by selection

Lawn Crypts (two-person vault already in ground)

Available at Resurrection and Holy Sepulchre Cemeteries

  • A lawn crypt is an underground chamber vault, sized to fit two caskets
  • Each lawn crypt allows two interments, which can be two caskets, two cremation urns, or one casket and one cremation urn
  • Lawn crypts are packaged with section-specific memorials (such as a marker or monument) at prices very competitive with traditional burial arrangements. Complete packages for two interments starting from $7,785

Cremation Graves

cremation graves

While a cremation may be interred in any grave, we have smaller cremation-specific graves available:

Available at all five Catholic Cemeteries in specific areas

  • Each small-size grave allows one cremation burial and permits flat markers only
  • Cemetery arrangements for two people including two cremation-only graves, interment fees, vaults, tents, companion marker, marker installation and final date engraving, starting from $5,700. Pricing is subject to change. Final cost is determined by selection

Veterans: Haven of Heroes and Lady of Victory Sections

veteran grave

Available at Resurrection and Holy Sepulchre Cemeteries

  • Single veteran cremation burial package: $1,075
  • Single veteran casket burial package (regular or oversized): $1,500
  • Veteran and spouse cremation burial package: $5,300
  • Veteran and spouse casket burial package (regular or oversized): $5,800

Our counselors are available to provide more information and pricing

Above-Ground Burial Options

Above-ground arrangements involve purchasing:

  1. Burial rights to casket-sized crypt or cremation niche
    • A metal casket is required for crypt entombment.
    • Pricing is primarily based on row height (Row A is always at the bottom), type (single vs. companion), and location inside a mausoleum or on an outside wall/columbarium.
  2. One-time, non-refundable perpetual care fee for the ongoing upkeep of the cemeteries, mausoleums, etc.
  3. Interment fee for the labor and equipment needed for preparing the committal site, physical interment, overhead costs, etc. Additional fees are incurred for a Saturday committal completed before 2:00 PM.
  4. Memorials. These can include flat markers, monuments, engravings, bronze castings, plaques/emblems, flower vases, cameo pictures, veteran memorials, etc.

Private Family Estates

private family estate

Available at Calvary and Resurrection Cemeteries

  • Mini estates and full estates can accommodate above ground custom mausoleums (prices vary)
  • 6-person family estate crypts inside Holy Angels Mausoleum in Resurrection Cemetery, $66,600 covers all cemetery arrangements.

For additional information, please contact one of our counselors.

Mausoleum Casket Crypts

mausoleum casket crypt

Available at Resurrection, Holy Sepulchre and St. Mary Magdalene Cemeteries

Mausoleum Crypts for casket entombment vary in cost depending on location, type (single, companion, 4-person), and height or level. Complete cemetery arrangements for one casket entombment start at $5,100. Caskets within the mausoleum must be of metal construction (no wood caskets).

Cremation Niches

cremation niche

Cremation niches are available inside or outside, some have glass fronts while others granite fronts. Pricing varies by location, type (single or companion), and height or level. Complete cemetery arrangements for a single granite niche start at $3,000.

For additional information, please contact one of our counselors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Visit our FAQ page for answers to many of your questions.
