Welcome to Catholic Cemeteries’ New Website!
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Welcome to Catholic Cemeteries’ New Website!

phone with map in hand

Welcome to Catholic Cemeteries’ New Website!

Welcome to our new Website! Significant improvements have been made to bring our website into the 21st century.  From information about the history, grounds, offerings and prayers to the ability to purchase flowers for your loved one on-line, it’s all new.  AND, an exceptional feature is our “Find a Loved One” section.  This provides an aerial display of where your loved one is interred in Resurrection and Calvary cemeteries.  If you log on to our site via your smartphone (with internet access) when at Calvary or Resurrection cemeteries, the site will provide GPS walking directions to your loved one’s grave.

Thanks especially to Michele Dempsey at Catholic Cemeteries who helped spearhead the project, Colleen McQuillan Johnson, our board member and writer, Bill Ervin and the team at EG Integrated for the web design, Bridget McQuillan for the photography and all the other contributors at Catholic Cemeteries. We welcome you to the new website, and encourage you to visit your loved ones at Catholic Cemeteries often.  Help us to make Catholic Cemeteries a place for the living.

Happy Advent and a blessed Christmas and New Year,

Deacon. Dan Keller, Director