Memorial Weekend 2020 – What’s Different Under Social Distancing
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Memorial Weekend 2020 – What’s Different Under Social Distancing

Memorial Weekend 2020 – What’s Different Under Social Distancing

Welcome to Memorial Weekend!  While some things are the same as every Memorial Weekend, there are some differences as we find ourselves under social distancing guidelines.  First, what is the same:
– Every one is welcome to come, decorate their loved-one’s grave, and pray.
– Gates of all 5 cemeteries are open 8AM – 8PM.
– Artificial flowers can be purchased form us and if purchased by Friday noon, we will place them for you for those interred in our five cemeteries:  Calvary, Resurrection, Holy Sepulchre, St. Mary’s and St. Mary Magdalene.
– There will be “one-way” directional signs in Calvary and Resurrection Cemeteries to enhance traffic flow.
– The grounds look wonderful.

What will be different this year due to social distancing guidelines?
Mass will be live-streamed at 10AM on Monday, Memorial Day, May 25.  Attend on-line on the Facebook home page of Catholic Cemeteries or the Archdiocese of Omaha. OR, attend by going to, or and click on the link.  No outdoor Masses at the five cemeteries this year.
– The office will be closed Saturday/Sunday/Monday and there will be no information tents.
Use our website to obtain cemetery maps
–  – Go to, click on “our cemeteries”, select the specific cemetery, then scroll down and click on MAP.  Note for Holy Sepulchre, if you click within a section, a more detailed map is provided.
–  – Go to, click on FIND A LOVED ONE
–  – Type in your loved one’s name
–  – Select your loved one from options provided to obtain cemetery, section, and space.  For Calvary and Resurrection, click on directions to see an overview of the location
Find-A-Loved-One walking directions
–  – Walking directions are available from your smart phone for individuals interred in Calvary or Resurrection.  Using the Find-A-Loved-One directions above, after selecting your loved one, then click on “directions”.
–  – Make sure you are displaying walking vs. driving directions. Red is your loved one’s space, blue is you.  Walk in the direction of the red, and when the blue dot and red dot indicators intersect, you are within about 6 graves of your loved one!
– If you do not have access to a computer, please call our office by Friday for support (402) 391-3711.

We wish the situation were different, but that is probably the wish for most of us in all aspects of life right now.  Continue in prayer, trust in God and enjoy the Memorial Weekend.

God Bless!

Deacon Dan Keller, Director of Catholic Cemeteries – Archdiocese of Omaha