Secure and Forever
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Secure and Forever

Secure and Forever

Two or three years ago, on the evening news, a woman sat on concrete steps in front of the few remains of her chard home smoldering in the background.  As she cried about the loss of her family home, she also grieved the loss of her father – for the second time.

She explained to the reporter that her father’s cremated remains had been on the mantle.  And now, because of the intensity of the fire, the urn was gone, and so was her father.

It is hard to lose a loved one.  It is devastating to lose them twice.

Hence the words “Secure and Forever”.  Cemeteries are designed to lay your loved ones to rest, secure and forever.  No other real estate can provide that guarantee.  And at Catholic Cemeteries – Archdiocese of Omaha, the grounds are not only safe and secure, but consecrated. 

Call us.  We are honored to help you perform the Corporal Work of Mercy of burying the deceased.  If not here, please contact another cemetery, and place your loved one to rest.  Memorialize the final resting place honoring a life well lived.  Keep your deceased loved one in your heart, not in your home.