Twice per year Catholic Cemeteries - Archdiocese of Omaha partners with CHI Health and Heafey Hoffman Dvorak & Cutler Funeral Home to perform a charitable committal of infants lost to miscarriage. Catholic Cemeteries provides at no cost to the families the community crypt space for
Welcome to Memorial Weekend! While some things are the same as every Memorial Weekend, there are some differences as we find ourselves under social distancing guidelines. First, what is the same:- Every one is welcome to come, decorate their loved-one's grave, and pray.- Gates of
January 3, 2020
Catholic Cemeteries
We have recently made enhancements to our on-line cemetery map for Holy Sepulchre. To view this new map:
• go to, click on “Our Cemeteries”,
• then click on “Holy Sepulchre”.
• Scroll half way down and click on “show
October 30, 2019
Catholic Cemeteries
The leaves are beautiful this week. But with the flutter of snowflakes starting to fall, so are the leaves. Drive through this week to enjoy the colors. And while here, say a prayer for the poor souls in purgatory, soon to see the full beauty
October 28, 2019
Catholic Cemeteries
The Last Supper mural is in and complete, including the border painting and the landscaping planted. This 44" x 10' mural is located on the south side of the Chapel of the Apostles Mausoleum in Calvary Cemetery. If you enter from the Mercy Street Road
New Cremation niche spaces were added to the Rosary Columbarium in Calvary Cemetery in June. The Rosary columbarium, located a short distance from the Mercy Street entrance, and across from Chapel of the Apostles Mausoleum, has been very popular for several reasons: Easy
Catholic Cemeteries works diligently to maintain and enhance the beauty of our cemeteries. Our most recent project was the restoration of the 15 glass mosaics located in Calvary Cemetery, 7710 West Center Road. These glass mosaics, designed and created in Italy, were installed in
Our Lord asks us to “love one another”. The gift from the Downie family for Serenity, our children’s section, is a reflection of that love. The Lending Library, including the books, was provided by the Downies and recently installed by the cemetery staff.
Each year Catholic Cemeteries employs summer seasonal workers to help maintain the grounds. Within that group we typically have two or three seminarians. A little sweat on the brow, dirt under the fingernails, and a few dollars in the pocket all help the
Periodically, a family will make a special donation to Catholic Cemeteries in honor of a loved one. Sometimes they request that the donation be used for a specific purpose, such as a beautification project. This year our operations crew was super excited to get a